Anaxee Electric Vehicle Survey in Rajasthan and Delhi for estimating carbon credits.

Anaxee recently conducted a comprehensive survey on electric vehicles (EVs) in Rajasthan and Delhi. This survey focused on understanding the usage patterns and electricity consumption of EV owners who received their vehicles in subsidies. The primary aim was to gather data to help claim carbon credits, promoting eco-friendly transportation solutions.

Anaxee received a list of EV owners from the client, focusing on those who had received/purchased EVs with a subsidy. Anaxee’s backend team contacted these EV owners to know their interest and availability for the survey.

Digital Runners, local to the EV owners’ areas, were assigned the task of visiting their homes. During the visit, Digital Runners explained the survey process to them and provided an adaptor for EV charging. This adaptor was essential for collecting data on electricity consumption.

Over the next few days, Digital Runners used Anaxee’s application to monitor and record data on the EVs’ electricity consumption. The application facilitated the capture of photographs of the adaptor, meter readings, the EVs, and their owners to ensure data accuracy and authenticity.

This unique data collection technology enabled seamless daily monitoring and data recording. The application was crucial for capturing comprehensive data points, including:

  – Electricity consumption readings.

  – Distance traveled by the EVs.

  – Visual confirmation through pictures.


The collected data provided valuable insights into the electricity consumption of EVs, which is helpful for the client to claim carbon credits.

By supporting the use of electric vehicles, the survey promotes a reduction in carbon footprint, cleaner air, and sustainable transportation solutions.

Anaxee’s survey in Rajasthan and Delhi showcases the effective use of technology and fieldwork to gather essential data on electric vehicle usage. This initiative not only supports environmental sustainability but also aids in the efficient claiming of carbon credits, driving further adoption of electric vehicles.

Anaxee Digital Runners Featured in The Financial Express!

Anaxee was recently featured in The Financial Express, a leading Indian business publication. 


This Article highlights our ambitious goal of becoming India’s largest last-mile outreach and data collection network with a network of 100,000 digital runners by 2025.


While talking to Financial Express, Our COO, Arti Agrawal, sheds light on Anaxee’s unique approach to business, and the exciting plans we have for the future.


This Article talks about: 

Anaxee’s Diverse Service Offerings: How we empower brands & businesses with market mapping, data collection, order taking, surveys, and more.


The Power of Digital Runners: How our tech-enabled Digital Runners support businesses in reaching new customers.


Bridging the Geographical Gap: Anaxee utilizes local people to overcome geographical barriers and facilitate direct customer engagement.


Strategic Partnerships: How Anaxee has collaborated with leading e-commerce companies to expand their reach.


And What’s Next For Anaxee: A glimpse into our vision of removing geographical barriers and enabling data-driven growth for businesses across India.


Stay tuned for more exciting updates from Anaxee Digital Runners. 

Meanwhile, check out the full article here!



Clean cooking solutions in rural communities

Anaxee has implemented several CSR projects to make a positive impact, as well as carbon projects aimed at maximizing carbon credits for its customers. Similarly, Anaxee has implemented improved cookstove-related carbon and CSR projects, addressing the significant challenges faced in achieving clean cooking solutions in rural communities.

In the heart of rural India, where two-thirds of our population resides, lies a challenge that often goes unnoticed – the traditional three-stone stove. Despite government initiatives promoting clean fuel schemes, many families still rely on these raw stoves to prepare their daily meals.

These Traditional Stoves pose health and environmental risks. They require excessive amounts of wood, emit harmful smoke, and contribute to deforestation. Moreover, women often bear the burden of collecting wood from forests, facing challenges, especially during the rainy season.

At Anaxee Digital Runners Pvt. Ltd. we embarked on a mission to introduce advanced cookstoves to rural communities. These modern- Improved Cookstoves, designed with efficiency and sustainability in mind, offer a viable alternative to traditional cooking methods.

The Improved cookstoves, equipped with innovative designs, require less wood and produce minimal smoke. With a focus on maximizing energy efficiency, these stoves ensure that cooking is faster and more environmentally friendly. Importantly, they also reduce the health risks associated with indoor air pollution, benefiting the entire family.

Recognizing the financial constraints faced by many rural households, we have made these Improved cookstoves accessible through carbon projects. By carbon financing, we are able to provide these stoves at nominal fees to those in need.

Anaxee Digital Runners has been implementing improved cookstove projects across India with transparency and integrity. Through data-driven approaches, we ensure that these stoves reach the right beneficiaries and are utilized effectively. Our commitment to sustainability extends beyond distribution – we also provide ongoing support to ensure the proper usage and maintenance of these cookstoves.

To date, we have successfully delivered more than 1.25 lakh advanced cookstoves to rural communities, with our efforts continuing to expand. Each stove represents not only a cleaner cooking solution but also a step towards empowering rural households and protecting our environment.

Anaxee Digital Runner on Doordarshan’s Startup Champions 2.0

Anaxee Digital Runner on Doordarshan’s Startup Champions 2.0

Since childhood, We have all grown up watching shows like Ramayana, Mahabharata, Shaktiman, Malgudi days, and Byomkesh Bakshi on Doordarshan. All these shows made our childhood more fond and beautiful. That’s why we are more than happy when we get a chance to feature ourselves on the same Doordarshan.

We can not wait to tell you that we have been featured in the nationally acclaimed TV show “Startup Champions 2.0” on DD National and other DD networks like DD News & DD India. Sponsored by Startup India- ‘Startup Champions’ covers all the winners of the National Startup Award 2021 and provides a platform to showcase their ideas, journeys, and businesses to a broader audience.

As a National Award Winning Startup, Anaxee Digital Runners was honored to be selected for this prestigious program. Startup Champion highlights the journey of Anaxee Digital Runner, from its humble beginnings to its current success as a leading player by providing Last Mile Reach to its customers. It showcases the hard work, determination, and innovative ideas that have made our business what it is today.

Startup Champion’s host Paritosh Sharma -Founder of MBA Plus & Former Head of Bada Bussiness tells about Data Supremacy in this Digital world. And how Anaxee Digital Runners is making Data marks with 40000+ Digital Runners all over India. 

Link of Episode of Startup champion on DD National: Start Up 2.0: Prog’ witnesses National award-winning Startup Anaxee Digital Runner

We are grateful to the team at “Startup Champions 2.0” for giving us this opportunity and to our Digital Runners & customers who have helped us get to where we are today. We look forward to continuing to grow and innovate and being a part of this exciting and dynamic community.

Winner of a city startup contest is harnessing the power of rural, semi-urban youth

Winner of a city startup contest is harnessing the power of rural, semi-urban youth

Anaxee’s business model involved “digital runners” or the local youth who act as a last-mile network.

When TiE Global Summit 2022, one of the world’s largest gatherings of startup leaders, investors and business experts, takes place in Hyderabad in December, Arti Agarwal will be talking about harnessing thousands of rural youth to take e-commerce and social initiatives into the deep pockets of India. Co-founder of an Indore-based startup, called Anaxee Digital Runners, with Govind Agrawal, Arti is the winner of this year’s Pune Chapter of the TiE Women’s Global Contest.

India has a high youth unemployment rate, a crisis worsened by the coronavirus pandemic. Anaxee’s business model involved “digital runners” or the local youth who act as a last-mile network. “As a company, our business is to help other businesses scale in Tier II and Tier III geographies. We started in 2016, essentially as a KYC or a verification business. This was the time that major telecom and fintech companies had deployed thousands of people across the country to carry out digital onboarding. One hundred crore Indians had also been enrolled for Aadhaar that year. After these initiatives, the enrolment operators were jobless. These were trained resources who knew to use technology and take fingerprints, among others. Anaxee started as an on-demand KYC for fintech companies,” says Arti, whose background is in biometrics.

Over the years, it has become one of India’s largest last-mile runner networks. Till now, more than 40,000 runners have cumulatively worked for them and the startup has a presence in 26 states, including those in the Northeast. Anaxee raised its last funding in 2018, taking the total amount raised to Rs 2.50 crore. The company earned a revenue of Rs 19.4 crore and turned profitable in 2022. “Now, we will look to raising a pre-series round of $ eight million,” says Arti.

The Anaxee runners work in conducting market surveys, data collection, lead generation, verification and KYC, among others, for companies. “We are working in Tier II and Tier III cities in different geographies in India. We don’t do Tier I cities. Around Pune, for instance, our runners are present in various talukas working, mostly, in lead generation for tractors in that area,” says Arti.

The service has been used by a number of major brands, chiefly in the consumer and agritech sectors. The model suits companies that either don’t have the resources or don’t want to invest in rural geographies but want to make inroads in that market. A lot of brands, for instance, have showrooms in the major metros but not in places such as Nashik and Sangli despite a demand but not enough promise of volume.

That is one of the reasons that we see a lot of commerce flow coming from smaller towns and cities. There are people with aspirations but products and services do not reach them. The solution would be to have an aggregator who is able to aggregate the demand and make these services available on demand. We thought that multiple brands can use our network for services and products. It becomes affordable for them because they don’t have to pay us the entire cost of the supply chain. When they use our services, we become successful and are able to upgrade” says Arti.

The runners are local youth who live in these towns and cities. A lot of them are students, who have passed Class 12 and many are graduates. They are tech and mobile-savvy and would have shifted to a bigger town in search of job opportunities. With more funding, Anaxee plans to develop its technology and spend on upgraded soft-skill development and other training for the runners.

Anaxee has built systems for training the runners, getting feedback and for quality checks. “We have a sustainable way of onboarding and training our runners. All the training and assessments happen online. Before runners work on a project, they have to undergo training. We do frequent Zoom sessions with runners online so that we know them better. We realise that the runners are self-motivated, we just need to ensure that the training is proper,” says Arti, adding that the company has a sizeable support team in the office to handle queries from the runners if they face issues on the field. “We have a quality check team that monitors work done on the field in real-time. Even if a runner happens to make a mistake, we quickly give them feedback and bring them on track” she says.

One of the biggest successes of the company was during the vaccination drive last year as the government tried to get people to take the shot against Covid-19. Anaxee ran a programme called Project Swaraksha, which was a vaccination awareness drive to help rural citizens get vaccinated. “We counselled almost 30 lakh rural citizens and successfully vaccinated around 18 lakh. It is possible that more people got vaccinated but we don’t have proof,” says Arti. “Project Suraksha was great as our runners were unemployed due to the lockdown and this was an opportunity for them to earn as much as Rs 50,000 per month” she adds.

Tech for Climate

Tech for Climate –

To assess the carbon impact and authenticity of any carbon-related project, it is important to have a tech-enabled approach.

We at Anaxee can provide an end-to-end tech solution (Mobile App + Data Dashboards) to monitor and execute such projects. For instance, we have a ready tech platform for the complete execution and monitoring of the Clean Cooking (Cookstove Distribution) project from Baseline Survey > Product Demo & Awareness > Household Registration > Cookstove Distribution > Usage Survey & Monitor.

Our platform brings complete visibility and traceability to the entire process.

In India, using this technology, we have executed large-scale Social Projects where we reached 3 Million rural people with 20,000 Field Executives.

Overall, we have an extensive network of 40,000+ Field Executives (tech-enabled feet on street) covering over 60% of the country.


Tech with multiple Use cases-

• Cookstove Distribution

• Water Filter / Purification

• Solar Device Distribution

• Agroforestry

• Regenerative Agriculture

• Plantation

• Irrigation Devices




What do you get?

• Complete Last-Mile Visibility

• Track your field personnel

• Quantify the Impact generated

• Perform Multiple Analysis and Insights on Real-Time Dashboards


In India, we have used our technology to execute large-scale Social Projects:

• Reached 4 Million+ Rural people

• Across 50,000+ villages

• 40,000+ Field Executives using our app


For Instance,

In the Clean Cooking Domain (Cookstove Distribution)

We have developed an end-to-end tech platform to capture, store and monitor data for the entire project lifecycle.


The app provides customized tasks creation and management in an effortless manner.



Using our tech you can-

• Make repeat visits

• Create a customized workflow

• Zero dependence on field staff

• Baseline Survey

• Product Demo

• Household Registration

• ICS Distribution & Training

• Project Monitoring



Create Detailed Profile of every beneficiary:

• Spreadsheet, Gallery, Map views

• Detailed Data Dashboard

• Colour-coded

• Reduced Spelling errors

• Easy to Sort/ Filter

With the growing requirement of tech-enabled carbon projects, we are seeing major traction in this domain. We are open to providing technology as a service to multiple organisations across the globe to better implement and monitor such projects.

Please reach out to us for a demo today!



Indore News: इंदौर, नईदुनिया प्रतिनिधि। जैन इंटरनेशनल ट्रेड आर्गनाइजेशन (जीतो) इंदौर इकाई के यूथ विंग ने ब्रिलियंट कन्वेंशन सेंटर में मोटिवेशनल सत्र का आयोजन किया। इसका शीर्षक विजनरीज के साथ वाइबिंग था। इसका मकसद शहर में जैन समुदाय के युवा उद्यमियों को बिजनेस बढ़ाने की व्यावसायिक शिक्षा देना था।
पैनलिस्ट में सेंट्रल लैब की डा. विनीता कोठारी, एनकिंग इंटरनेशनल के मनीष डबकारा, एनेक्सी के गोविंद अग्रवाल, एमएमसी कन्वर्ट की शानू मेहता शामिल थी। सभी ने अपने स्टार्टअप की कहानी साझा की। साथ ही विफलता और सही व्यवसाय माडल चुनने के तरीके के बारे में सुझाव दिए। इस दौरान व्यवसाय स्वचालन की आवश्यकता, पीढ़ी के अंतर के बारे में और पारिवारिक व्यवसायों में उन्हें कैसे दूर किया जाए तथा व्यवसायों की कार्पोरेट सामाजिक जिम्मेदारी पर भी बात की गई।
मोटिवेशनल स्पीकर सत्र के लिए रेनेसा युनिवर्सिटी के चांसलर स्वप्निल कोठारी को आमंत्रित किया गया था। उन्होंने जुनून और महत्वाकांक्षा और महात्वकांक्षा और उत्कृष्टता की आकांक्षा के बीच का अंतर बताया। उन्होंने उद्यमियों के लिए एक सफलता का मंत्र भी दिया कि सफल होने के लिए या तो अपने काम करने का तरीका बदल दें या अपने काम के नियमों को अथवा काम को बदल लें।

इस कार्यक्रम में लगभग 200 लोगों ने हिस्सा लिया। आयोजन समिति में एमपीसीजी युवा अध्यक्ष मयंक दोशी, एमपीसीजी युवा उपाध्यक्ष प्रतीक सूर्य, इंदौर युवा अध्यक्ष प्रीना सालगिया सेठी, इंदौर युवा उपाध्यक्ष निमित चेलावत, इंदौर युवा मुख्य सचिव श्रेया नाहटा सूर्या, प्रखर मेहता, अनल जैन, ऋषिका जैन, तरंग चेलावत, उमंग चेलावत, दिव्यांक डगरिया, करण मोदी और सिद्धि कांकरिया शामिल थे।कार्यक्रम के अंत में जीतो एमपीसीजी के अध्यक्ष कमलेश सोजतिया और जीतो इंदौर इकाई के अध्यक्ष हितेंद्र मेहता ने यूथ विंग के प्रयासों की सराहना की और सफल आयोजन पर उन्हें बधाई दी।

Project Swaraksha Documentary by Facebook | Anaxee Digital Runners Pvt Ltd

Project Swaraksha Documentary by Facebook | Anaxee Digital Runners Pvt Ltd

This #film is very important. It showcases how Project Swaraksha created an impact on a large scale. We reached 3 million rural citizens, counseling them and helping 2 million people get vaccinated. This project helped in demonstrating how a large distributed human network equipped with the right technology can help in solving any kind of problem.

Around 1 year back, in June 2021, when Vaccine Hesitancy was a big concern across Rural India, Anaxee Digital Runners Private Limited started a small social initiative with our #Digital Runners to help counsel rural citizens and explain the benefits of the Covid Vaccine. Since the complete CoWIN Vaccination program was online, there was a digital divide, making access to vaccination difficult for a lot of rural people.

Do you remember, people, fighting to get an appointment on the CoWIN portal?

Project Swaraksha came to the rescue, providing digital assistance using Digital Runners + Technology. We thank Meta (aka Facebook) for covering our story in such a beautiful manner. Please go through this 9 mins Documentary made by National Film Award-winning producer, Priyanka More on Project Swaraksha and Anaxee. Released on #FacebookWatch.

Indore Gourav Divas

Govind Agrawal, CEO Anaxee Digital Runners Private Limited was invited as a Speaker at StartUps and IT Seminar and Exhibition today under the seven-day long celebration of ‘Indore Gourav Divas’ today along with Sawan S Laddha, Mayur Sethi, Arti Gupta Agrawal, Saloni Sethi, and MSME dept.

𝗪𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗽 & 𝗜𝗧 E𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁 | 𝗜𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗚𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗮𝘃 𝗗𝗶𝘄𝗮𝘀 | 31st May 2022

Arti Agrawal- Co Founder & COO, Anaxee Digital Runners Pvt. Ltd moderator of the Women Startup & IT event organized by MP Government under series of event conducted during Indore Gourav Diwas.

No worries if you weren’t present at the Indore Gourav Diwas event, we have got the insightful glimpse of our COO Arti Gupta Agrawal, Anaxee Digital Runners Private Limited addressing the event.

Shanu Mehta Co-Founder MMC Convert
Dr. Sandhya Chouksey – Director, LNCT Group of Colleges
Jyoti Garg – Managing Director, @Garon Foods
Pooja Maheshwari – Founder & CEO , Smarg Technologies
Saloni Sethi – Partner, advertice